06 Jun #Olmedatelier: Torta de aceite apple pie



Today we want to present you a new recipe, very easy and super tasty! We will make a delicious apple and pear pie, made up with torta de aceite Olmeda Origenes.

Ingredients for a  15 cm mould: Para un molde de entre 15 y 16 cm de diámetro. 

• 1 natural yoghurt

• 20ml sour cream

• 3 eggs

• 100 grams of sugar

• 750 gramos of flour with yeast

• 2 read apples and 1 pear

• juice of half lemon

• sugar for the decoration

• tortas de aceite Olmeda Orígenes

Modo de preparación:

  1.  In a bowl we add the yogurth, sour cream, egss, sugar and a pinch of salt., and we mix it all. In the meanwhile we will preheat the oven 180ºC.
  2. We will add the flour with yeast and mix well. the consistency of the product will be quite liquid, if you want to add a bit more consistency you just need to add more flour.
  3. We will cut the fruit in small, irregular dices and add the lemon juice.
  4. The size of the mould is 15 cm because it fits perfectly the size of the tortas. We will put some aluminum foil at the bottom of the mould, and them cover it with paper suitable for baking. We need these two layers in order the mix does not spill out from the mould. We will put some mis, then put two tortas, and then some more mix. We will cover it with the fruit and some sugar.
  5. We will take it to the oven for 35 minutes, 180º C.
  6. Then we will turn out the oven and leave the pie to set in there, with the oven door half opened.
  7. When it is chilled, we can take it to the fridge.
  8. It is ready to enjoy! you can put some more sugar on the top and melt it with a blowpipe to give it an even more delicious aspect.

tarta 2

Para más información y recetas: www.olmedaorigenes.com

Enjoy the dish!
Find more recipes and videos: www.olmedaorigenes.com